Hello, I am Samantha,
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Master/Teacher/Practitioner.
Tera-Mai from my own experience seems to be hardly known of, with comparison to other Reiki practices that you hear people talking about, and talking of which there seems to be so many other varied styles of Reiki ranging from Usui, Angelic, Sekhem, Holy Fire, Shamanic and so on, in total there are probably over a 100 different forms of Reiki being practiced in the world today, just take a look on the internet! gratefully there is just one form of Tera-Mai.
Tera-Mai is not necessarily better than one of the other Reiki's that I have mentioned here, that's not what I am saying however, Tera-Mai is a more balanced system of healing by working with the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, where for example traditional Reiki works with the element of the Earth only.
Working with these four elements gives a good foundation for the possibilities of healing to occur either emotionally, mentally, physically and Spiritually. Tera-Mai is so right for the times we all find ourselves living in!
So, I have made it my mission in posting blogs to give a better understanding to those of you who are interested in reading them, of this amazing natural system of healing called Tera-Mai, and to share some other day to day practices that have been beneficial for myself.
To increase the profile of Tera-Mai, I spent two years working on client case studies, and I was then accessed by a verified complementary practitioner with over 40 years experience in her practice. Which in turn her assessment of me, and the cases studies that I had done were then submitted to the the Reiki association. All of this was then processed to see if I was good enough to qualify as a verified professional Reiki practitioner, which gratefully I was. With this verification, I was then able to register with the CNHC (complementary Natural Healthcare Council). Being on this site can help potential clients to feel more confident in the practitioner they are booking their appointments with, as every practitioner has been verified and received the verification certificate in their field of practice.
Completing this long process was something that I was passionate to do, as there are currently only 3 other Tera-Mai practitioners on the CNHC site, probably not surprising really as it is a very long process, with no guaranties at the end that you will qualify! Also there are a huge amount of Reiki practitioners, plus other modalities of complementary therapy practitioners on the CNHC, so another reason to increase the visibility of Tera-Mai. Unfortunately as with most things, there seems to be a lot of misguided information out in the world regarding Reiki.
So my other intention is to also do my best to share with you other things like- my book recommendations, books that have been beneficial in my own personal healing development and growth, and some of what I have read and learnt over many years that have taken me to a grater depth of understanding of, true spirituality.
Plus, many simple practice's that I share with my clients and students, which from their feedback shows the tools have become beneficial for them to use within their everyday holistic practices. Ways to possibly aid them into getting back to the simplicity of living, and for most a much deeper connection with nature has been also felt.
For a couple of examples, there are ways to possibly aid a deeper nights sleep, or ways to help reduce anxieties, stress and tensions. Obviously reduced stress for example does not necessarily happen over night but, most start to feel the benefits within just a few days of practice.
Finally, I would also like to share over theses coming blogs, a general deeper dive into Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem, a system of natural healing that can be so beneficial for us in so many ways, of which there's just to many to mention!
Unfortunately, many of our modern ways of living like being angry, holding resentments, hanging onto the past etc., all seem so normal but, there definitely not natural!
Some of the above mentioned, if not healed can lead us into a feeling of being out of balance, and our bodies can be in a in a state then of dis-ease, and our mental well-being and physical health in turn can suffer!
In conclusion I am not looking to change the whole worlds view point on healing through my website, facebook page, Instagram or now these blogs but, if I have touched a few of you with a better understanding of what living life on Earth can be, and
not what society wants us to believe it should be, then that is all good with me.
Samantha x

Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem consultation area, at my Clinic.
