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Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem Treatments.

The descriptions listed below are guidelines to the treatments available. The consultation time will enable me to pick the right treatment for you with each visit you make. 

When coming for a Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Healing Treatment. 
-This is a treatment where placement of hands on or hands off the body takes place throughout the session. 
For hands off the body, the positions are held a few inches above the body, this is more suited to those who are not comfortable with physical touch.
-Please note -Tera-Mai is not a contemporary or holistic massage technique.
-You will stay fully clothed throughout the treatment, so please wear comfortable clothing and nothing that's to restricting, as this will be more beneficial for you.
-Tera-Mai, is about working towards bringing balance into all areas of your life, especially your physical health and general overall well being.
Chakra Clearing and Energy Balancing
Sometimes we can feel out of balance with the day to day living and, have physical symptoms of feeling out of balance as well!
EXAMPLE: A client had IBS ( irritable bowl syndrome ) for most of her life, within one session she noticed a big difference in her symptoms and after just a few treatments is now totally free of any IBS symptoms. 
Magnetic Healing
Beneficial for the treatment of emotional and psychological blockages.

Touch point Healing
Ideal for those of you that are experiencing mild or chronic pain.
Emotional Release
Can be beneficial in releasing built up emotions.
If you have been squashing down your emotions, a feeling of being stuck, or been dealing with "stuff" this treatment could be of benefit to you.
However, you do not need to feel emotional to have this treatment.
It is like layers of an onion, (our emotions/the past) being released gently layer by layer to get to the core of our di-ease, and all done in your bodies on time.
Grounding Technique
Living to much in your head, Feeling disconnected, can not stay focused for long!?
Being grounded helps us to feel more present in the now, this technique can be beneficial for getting to the root of di-ease too.
With everyday hustle of living life we may forget to stop, breathe and ground ourselves.
This treatment maybe of benefit to you if your feeling un-grounded, anxious, emotional and feeling that you can not cope anymore. It is 
also good for those past situations we would rather not look at but are still causing us emotional pain!
Electromagnetic Healing
This can be good for physical pain.
The energy bounces with vibration to break the pain down, and is physically painless for the client. 
The general  feedback from clients has been amazing! 



         Consultation and treatment :



       Adults                              Total: £45

        11 years to 16 years    Total: £35

      6 years to 10 years       Total: £25

      5 years and under        Total: £5-£10

      Under 16's will need to be accompanied by an adult.



Follow-Up Treatments are Advisable :

​Some people feel the benefits of  Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem in the first session. Other people start to feel the benefits after the 2nd or 3rd treatment it all depends on the individual, most wish to continue their progress so come for further treatments to further their Health/Wellbeing.




​All treatments and Initiations are carried out in a safe and relaxing environment.

Clinic is located near Wigmore and within easy reach of Ludlow, Knighton, Presteigne and Leominster.                   


There are further reviews of treatments on my Facebook page at-

Tera-Mai Healing with Samantha


Reiki & Seichem Healing is not seen as an alternative to conventional medical treatment but can be used alongside it. Always consult your Doctor about serious symptoms and conditions.





"While spa visits and massages are great for self care of the physical body, healing is amazing for the mind and the benefits are apparent inside and out. This is a continuous process that will help keep a calm, balanced life. It gives clarity to decision making and reduces stress. After suffering with eczema all my life, with nothing else proving to be efficacious, it has done wonders for it.


We have not always been taught how to deal with traumatic events or difficult situations and often repeatedly punish ourselves for mistakes we have made.

Healing helps clear the negative effects of holding onto traumas  and the benefits for everyone will be different. 

Its difficult to explain, ironic, as the reality couldn't be more simple.


Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls our lives.

It was first described to me as a glass of water with sediment at the bottom representing traumas or anything that has subconsciously conditioned the way we think. The glass gets shaken and the sediment is released. Gradually, with healing, the sediment depletes.


Anybody going on this journey knows how amazing Samantha is, through every step. The experience gives a deep relaxation - the best thing for overall good health, balance, peace and happiness. 

Could not recommend highly enough!







B. Batchelor

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