Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem Courses & Training.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree - Mastership.
Take Love into the World!
The art of Transformation!
Whether people know this or not, we all have healing channels already within us!
Being initiated into Tera-Mai is beneficial for those looking to do self healing, healing on others and self discovery.
Unfortunately, due to the modern way of living these channels in the majority of people, are now closed down. There are a few exceptions to this though one being, if you were born with the gift of being a natural healer.
One of the benefits of Tera-Mai as a healing practice is, its a balanced system of healing.
We are working with the four elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air, giving a good foundation for healing to occur.
Other forms of Reiki (and there is no judgement in this as all healing practices have there place) are only working with the element of Earth, so not as balanced like Tera-Mai.
Reiki and Seichem energies were a system of healing many many years ago. Then seichem got lost along the way!
The energy of the earth has changed, so the lost symbols and the initiation procedure were gifted to Kathleen Milner by spirit, due to the need for the extra energies for the times that we are all living in. Making Tera-Mai so right for now.
Kathleen Milner also trade marked Tera-Mai (meaning MY Earth) Reiki and Seichem to protect the authenticity of the Tera-Mai healing practice and for the initiations.
So, if you wish to practice self healing or to practice healing as a professional therapist you would need to come to in this instance, to a Tera-Mai Master to be initiated into the system.
An initiation opens up your healing channels (1st degree) by a third of each of the four elements. Further initiations open you up to another third on so on.
A Master has been initiated into all three of the degree's and is then a fully open channel, hence they have the ability to hold the energy needed to perform the initiations.
For me personally I am only initiated into Tera-Mai. This helps keep the energies pure. If you have many other initiations as well it can water down the energy. So when doing a Tera-Mai initiation I pass on the pure energies of Tera-Mai only.
Due to working with Tera-Mai clients and students I practice self healing, eat a good balanced diet, drink plenty of filtered water, get plenty of sleep, rest and relaxation, spend time in nature and exercise to help keep my channels as clear as I can.
Finally, my Lineage is very small and goes directly back to Mikao Usui.
There can be no self in the attainment of Reiki/Seichem initiations. The initiation is Universal and bestows the gift of channelling energy. There are different lineages of Reiki which have come down from Dr. Mikao Usui and, they are all equal - no one is either more authentic or more powerful then any other as long as they are true in intent.
Kathleen Milner has channelled both new symbols and enhanced initiation procedure which includes the traditional methods and brings a greater balance to initiations. Tera-Mai adds a new dimension to the healing energy and is right for our age.
After your initiation I offer on going support and hold Tera-Mai student gatherings-
As a Tera-Mai Master I feel its beneficial to hold informal gatherings for my students. Over the years I have heard so many stories of many Reiki students that felt abandoned by their Master, once they had been initiated. Some have said that they "have not done self healing or feel that they are good enough to practice professionally due to having no contact with their Reiki Master to reassure them". This is such a shame as it is such a beautiful gift to give and receive Reiki.
The gatherings are non chargeable and I provide nibbles and soft drinks. It is a great opportunity to meet and get to know other Tera-Mai students, of which the gatherings are around 4 or 5 students each time, so offering a nice relaxed intermate space to ask any questions you may have and, share your experiences of Tera-Mai with the group.
So this is how it works with an initiation-
Sacred Healing symbols are used to re activate the healing channels that are within us....
1st Degree - this opens the healing channels up to a third of the healing rays, so a third of earth, third or fire, third of water and finally a third of the air healing ray.
2nd Degree, the initiate will be opened up further to another third of each of the healing rays.
3rd Degree/Mastership, the initiate will be opened up to another third of all the four healing rays, so at this level of initiation the initiates inner channels will be full open, and so would then be able to also teach Tera-Mai and perform Tera-Mai initiations.
For me being initiated into Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem system of healing was the most beautiful of experiences.
So if you are looking to attend a Tera-Mai course, dates and availability can be provided if you send me an email or give me a call- 07951 063038.
Go to- Ways to get in touch, there is an email link provided.
About the Tera-Mai Healing System-
Bringing together traditional Reiki which originated in Japan and Seichem which originated from Ancient Egypt.
The system was originated by Kathleen Milner an American Reiki & Seichem Master.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) meaning Universal life Energy, was rediscovered by Mikao Usui, a devoutly spiritual man, during a intense meditation.
He researched the symbols he had seen in Ancient Sanskrit texts and found they enhanced the healing of the body. He went on to help people injured in a violent Earthquake which hit Japan and then established a school of Healing which exists today.
Seichem (pronounced Say-Keem) is similar in its effects to Reiki and completes a system of Elemental Healing. This is made up of Earth, Water, Fire and Air energies, helping to bring a balance to the body and mind.
The system has no association with a single religion or faith and can be received by anyone who is willing to be healed.
The energy we are conducting is Chi - as in Tai Chi, the well known Chinese exercise regime. This energy is all around us and we absorb it naturally all the time.
The healer is able to amplify this energy so the healee receives it in a concentrated form.
And a treatment consists of various hand positions held above or gently on the body.
The recipient remains fully clothed throughout and may experience heat, cold or a tingling sensation in different parts of the body.
Its usual to experience a deep feeling of relaxation and well-being.
All treatments and Initiations are held within a safe and relaxing environment
Reiki & Seichem Healing is not seen as an alternative to conventional medical treatment, but can be used alongside it. Always consult your Doctor about serious symptoms and conditions.
Listed below are the details of each of the three Tera-Mai courses
Tera-Mai 1st Degree
A two day course which will include:
Tera-Mai course manual.
Theory/practical session.
Initiation into Tera-Mai 1st degree.
Instruction in Healing Techniques.
Violet Flame attunement.
Your certificate.
1st degree is ideal for those looking to do self healing, self discovery and healing on friends and family on a non professional basis, where no payment is received.
This course is good for everyone.
-Here are a couple of other ideas for working with healing energy...
Healing energy can be beneficial for also energizing your drinking water, or helping with seed germination! It can also aid a deeper sense of relaxation and sleep.
Total cost £175
Tera-Mai 2nd Degree
A two day course which will include:
Tera-Mai course manual, and will also include the Reiki and Seichem healing symbols.
Theory/practical session.
Initiation into Tera-Mai 2nd degree.
Instruction in Healing Techniques and the use of the symbols.
Learning how to send distance healing.
Your certificate.
2nd degree is for those who are already initiated into Tera-Mai 1st Degree, and are more serious about this practice.
-You will be able to practice as a professional practitioner for payment.
-For those who want to increase their skills for clients, friends and family, and to treat distantly is now possible in second degree.
-Or those who do not want to practice professionally but looking to increase the healing energies.
Please note: You have to of been initiated into Tera-Mai 1st Degree before your able to do this course.
Total cost £225
Tera-Mai 3rd Degree/Mastership
A three day course which will include:
Tera-Mai course manual.
Full instruction in the teaching of all three degrees of Reiki and Seichem.
Reiki and Seichem healing symbols and the Master symbol are given to you.
Initiation into Tera-Mai 3rd degree/Mastership.
Instruction in the Violet Flame and Yod Initiations.
Energy preparation and readiness.
Yod initiation.
Cleansing Ceremony.
Your certificate.
3rd degree/Mastership is for those who are well practiced and using Reiki frequently and have the ability to be a Tera-Mai teacher.
Please note- you have to of been initiated into both Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem 1st and 2nd Degrees before you can be considered for this course.
Total cost £600

Course times and dates are available on request.
All Treatments and Initiations are totally Confidential.