Giving the Gift of Healing.
Giving a friend or a family member a Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Voucher can make a wonderful personal gift.
Total Cost for one Adult session £45.
(includes consultation and treatment).
Alternatively, please message me with an amount you would like to put towards your friend or family members Tera-Mai session. The remaining difference left of the total cost will be for your friend or family member to pay at the time of their appointment, thank you.
*I accept payments via PayPal.
*Alternatively payment can also be made via SMS, this will involve sending a payment link to you by a text message.
*Once both payment and a delivery address for the voucher are received, the voucher will be posted out within 3-5 working days.
Vouchers can not be redeemed for cash.
Please also advise the person your giving the voucher to,
that the voucher must be bought to the Tera-Mai appointment/session, otherwise the session must be paid for in full, thank you.
Tera-Mai vouchers are valid for one year from date of issue.
It will be at my discretion if I choose to accept any vouchers that have exceeded the expired date, thank you.
Giving the gift of healing for yourself- by having an initiation into the Tera-Mai system of healing, for further details please go to the Courses page, thank you.