My Tera-Mai Story.

Hello, I am Samantha Ferrero-Morgan.
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Master/Teacher/Practitioner
Verified Practitioner with the Reiki Council.
Registered with the Complementary Natural Healthcare Council.
Here is a little bit of the background information to my journey into Tera-Mai. After leaving school I worked for one of the major banks, then moved into doing graphic design work and three years as a florist.
I moved from the south east with family in my early 20's to the beautiful Shropshire/Herefordshire boarder where I continue to live. I then fell into doing hairdressing. I had finally found a job that I enjoyed as due to seeing how clients felt better about themselves after their hair service was done and talking with me. Most clients used to open up to me naturally and discuss the things they where going or been through. Experiencing this I then decided to open my own hair salon with the ethos of customer care, no hard sell and, and a relaxing environment for clients to unwind in while at the salon. The salon opened in 1998 and is still going strong today.
Although I still own the hairdressing business, I made my sister in law the manager, as I have pulled away from hairdressing after over 20 years of service and turned my focus on to my Tera-Mai clinic.
Over 20 years ago I started having a complementary treatment called BOWEN, this opened my mind to a more natural way to heal the body. I became naturally interested with all things holistic, which lead me to my experience of an initiation into Reiki. Looking back I can clearly see how each job played it's part bringing me to where I am now.
Here is an insight to the benefits of having Tera-Mai:
Maybe just like you I experienced many difficulties within my life which started from my early school days. Difficult experiences continued to affect me as I grew up following me into adult life. Memories of the past seemed to haunt me when dealing with more current situations that faced me, in turn I became fearful of what the future may hold. All of this then started to affect me not only mentally, emotionally but I then started experiencing some minor physical symptoms, which became more problematic as time went on. Sleep was badly disturbed too!
Later, I experienced a life threatening health condition and due to this I stayed on the critical care ward at the Queen Elizabeth hospital Birmingham for awhile. With this condition plus all the hurts from some past relationships and, traumas experienced from some of the places I had previously worked. This also eventually caught up with me, leaving me feeling totally overwhelmed with life!
Stress, worry, anxiety and tension were my constant companions each day. All this left me feeling absolutely drained physically and mentally exhausted. I then convinced myself that this was just the way of things, living a life constantly stressed experiencing migraines plus high blood pressure!
However, at a low point and wondering if this really was the way life truly had to be, or maybe there was a more positive way to live life and be!? Gratefully I found Tera-Mai healing or maybe Tera-Mai healing found me, who knows! it does not matter what matters is life then started to change for the good.
After just a few tera-Mai sessions no more migraines or high blood pressure were the first indicators that things were positively changing. I became naturally interested in good selfcare practices, right meditation, being in nature, drinking 6-8 glasses of filtered water daily, rest and relaxation to mention a few. All were becoming my new more positive companions.
To begin with before Tera-Mai I had actually found Traditional Usui Reiki and was initiated into the 1st degree of this system. However, the day after my initiation I just did not feel right. As time went this did not seem to improve.
Fortunately, I then had a conversation with a Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Master/Teacher and explained what I had done and how I was feeling. They explained that Tera-Mai is about "bringing Balance into every aspect of our lives and, as the world is out of balance, we can feel out of balance".
With this new information I decided to be re-initiated into Tera-Mai system of healing.
After the initiation I was truly amazed at the difference as I was feeling more centred, grounded, balanced and relaxed. This was a beautiful experience.
I am pleased to have experienced both forms of initiations as I have gained a much deeper understanding of both healing systems. My first initiation into Traditional Usui Reiki was done correctly the energy just did not suit me.
After doing Tera-Mai 1st degree, I then went on to do 2nd and finally 3rd/Mastership degrees. I am now able to treat and support clients and initiate students into the beautiful Tera-Mai system of healing.
It is good to see how clients symptoms/conditions can improve, and students lives start to change in a positive way.
So maybe this insight shows you why I am so passionate about this type of Complementary Natural Healing Therapy. Tera-Mai enables the necessary changes to bring balance and well-being back into our lives.
There is no question Tera-Mai is so needed in the stressful and chaotic world in which we all live in! Each day can bring with it a new challenge but through having healing, we can deal with it from a new perspective.
There is no judgement in what I do, I just have empathy, compassion and a great deal of understanding and support for you.
Tera-Mai has totally transformed my life for the better Mentally, Emotionally and Physically and that is also true for clients and students.
In coming for a session you have nothing to loose and perhaps much to be gained!
Living life is a journey and a more pleasurable one when we feel more in balance.
Tera-Mai can also be beneficial for lots of health conditions to and not just our state of mind!
Qualifications and Acknowledgements:
Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho - 1st Degree
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem 1st Degree
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem 2nd Degree
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem 3rd Degree/Mastership.
Verified by the Reiki Council as a professional Reiki practitioner.
Registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
Member of The Reiki Connection Association.
Member of the Reiki and Seichem Association.
Other Listings:
My details are on the RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) website.
Tera-Mai Master/Teacher/Practitioner at:
or find me on the,
CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council) website -