A Natural Way to Improving your Physical Health
& Mental / Emotional Well-being.
Relax Re-balance Restore

Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem System of Healing is a non invasive, safe complementary treatment therapy that is good for all ages including young children. (Children 16 years and under will require them to be accompanied by an adult).
If you have acknowledged like I did that there is a problem within your life whether on a Physical, Emotional or Mental level and you are looking to bring about the necessary changes needed to feel more Mindful, Relaxed, Healthy and Balanced within all aspects of your life, then Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem could be of benefit to you.
A warm welcome to my website.
Tera-Mai means "MY EARTH"
As a client you will stay fully clothed throughout your treatment. There are many hand positions within Tera-Mai which will be placed gently on or off your body.
Chi as in Tai Chi or Ki is universal healing energy from the Earth or Sky, which I am able to amplify this in a Tera-Mai treatment.
Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem healing is a gentle but effective healing therapy.
Tera-Mai can be beneficial for virtually every condition including the following-
Eases Stress
Reduces Anxieties
Heals Emotional Pain
Accelerates Post Operational Recovery
Good for Accident Trauma issues - as its Non Invasive
Gives Relief to Chronic/Mild Pain
Supports the Immune system
Good for Digestive Problems
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Menstrual/Menopausal Tensions
Helps with Sleep Problems
Reduces Tension
Encourages selfcare and Love
Brings Grounding/Re-Balancing
Supports our General Health/well-being
Aids Mindfulness
Mental Health Problems
May help to ease Morning Sickness during Pregnancy
Available Tera-Mai
Reiki & Seichem Treatments:
Reiki & Seichem Healing
Chakra Clearing and Energy Balancing
Magnetic Healing (can be beneficial for long term conditions)
Touch point healing (good for mild to chronic pain)
Grounding (good for getting to the root of your Dis-ease)
Emotional Release
Psychic Surgery
Initiations into Tera-Mai:
Are you also interested in being initiated into the Tera-Mai system of healing or becoming a Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem professional Healer?
Remember: if you have already been initiated into Reiki you can be re-Initiated into Tera-Mai just as I have been.
For further information on available Tera-Mai courses so just pop over to the courses page.
Tera-Mai is a System of Natural Healing and my lineage back to Mikao Usui is short. My initiations and those of my teachers have only come from traditional Usui and Tera-Mai, thus preserving the purity of the original energies.
A Loving Gift of Healing
Tera-Mai gift vouchers are available
pop over to the Tera Mai Gift Vouchers page for further details.